1. **Calories:** 

Coffee is commonly very low in energy, with an eight-ounce (240 ml) cup of black coffee containing most effective about 2 energy.

2. **Caffeine:** 

Coffee is famend for its caffeine content material, which could vary relying on the kind and brewing approach. On common, an eight-ounce cup of brewed espresso includes round ninety five mg of caffeine. Caffeine is a herbal stimulant that can provide a temporary electricity improve.

3. **Protein:**

 Coffee incorporates minimum quantities of protein, generally much less than 1 gram in step with cup.

4. **Fat:** 

Black coffee is without a doubt fats-unfastened, but the addition of cream, milk, or sugar can boom the fats content material.

5. **Carbohydrates:*

 Black espresso carries very few carbohydrates, typically much less than 1 gram according to cup. However, sweeteners and milk can upload carbs to your espresso.

6. **Fiber:** 

Coffee isn't always a considerable source of nutritional fiber.

7. **Vitamins and Minerals:** 

While espresso would not offer many nutrients or minerals, it does comprise small amounts of critical nutrients like potassium, magnesium, and niacin (nutrition B3).

8. **Antioxidants:** 

Coffee is rich in antioxidants, particularly chlorogenic acids, that have been related to numerous fitness blessings.

9. **Acidity:** 

Coffee is mildly acidic, which can be a subject for individuals with positive digestive issues or acid reflux disease.

10. **Phytochemicals:**

Coffee carries various phytochemicals, a number of which may additionally have ability health advantages, inclusive of cafestol and kahweol.


Of course, there are some side effects that coffee can have that are explained in the headlines here.

1. **Insomnia and Sleep Problems:** 

Coffee is a stimulant, and excessive consumption, especially later in the day, can make it difficult to fall asleep or interfere with sleep

2. **Increases Heart Rate and Blood Pressure:** 

The caffeine in coffee can temporarily increase heart rate and blood pressure, which can be a concern for individuals with heart disease.

3. **Digestive Issues:**

 Coffee is acidic and can irritate the stomach lining, which can cause acid reflux, gastritis, or digestive upset in some individuals.

4. **Anxiety and panic attacks:** 

Large amounts of caffeine can cause sensitive people to become agitated, restless and nervous.

5. **Dependence and withdrawal:** 

Regular caffeine consumption can lead to dependence, with withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, and irritability as one cleans and he suddenly drank it


 Excessive caffeine intake can impair calcium absorption and, over time, affect bone health.

7. **Staining teeth:**

 Coffee is known to stain teeth, and can be a cosmetic concern for some individuals.

8. **Pregnancy Concerns:** 

High caffeine intake during pregnancy increases the risk of adverse outcomes including preterm labor and low birth weight.

9. **Drug Interference:**

 Caffeine can interact with certain drugs, reducing their effectiveness or causing side effects. If you’re a regular coffee drinker, it’s important to know these connections.

10. **Dehydration:**

 Caffeine is a diuretic, which means it can increase urination and dehydration if not enough water is consumed along with coffee in slightly increased.

11. **Tolerance:**

 Some people may develop a tolerance to the stimulating effects of caffeine, causing them to drink more coffee to maintain the same alertness, potentially increasing the risk of side effects greater than.

12. **Mental Health:** 

In some individuals, excessive consumption of caffeine can exacerbate anxiety symptoms or cause panic attacks.

It's important to note that the severity of these side effects can vary from person to person, and slow coffee is generally considered safe for most healthy individuals however, it's best to keep your' paying attention to your caffeine intake and monitoring how your body reacts to coffee avoiding any side effects. If you have a specific health problem or condition, it is best to discuss your coffee intake with a health professional.